October 18th, 2024 "Failed" status will be added gradually

The status “Failed” will be added gradually to the payment statuses that can be checked on the Payments page of the KOMOJU portal. Please see below for details on this status.

< Payments to which this status applies > *Not applicable to other payments.

  • Credit Card (Japan)
  • Credit Card (Korea)
  • Credit Card (Brazil)

This status was previously displayed as Pending, but will be applied in the future when any of the following events occur in the above settlement.

  1. When the card company has refused the payment attempt.
  2. When the payment was refused by fraud detection which KOMOJU introduces.
  3. When The 3DS challenge for that payment has failed.

*If your are using KOMOJU via API:

The status value returned by the API will remain “Pending” same as before. This is planned to be changed in future releases of the API version, but we will notify you before the change is reflected.

*If you are using the CSV/Excel export function for Payment page:

The status value of the exported transaction will remain "Pending" same as before. This will be changed in the future, but we will notify you before the change takes effect.

Please note that the【Failed】status will be applied to transactions created after this status is released. Transactions created before the release of this status will remain in the status of 【Pending】.

If you have any questions for this change, please contact us from here.

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