Currency Conversion & FX rates

If the processing currency is different from the settlement currency, KOMOJU will convert the funds using the interbank rate indicated on the date of settlement, marked up with a margin.

Regarding the margin, please refer to the following table.

Processing Currency    JPY Settlement   USD Settlement   EUR Settlement
    JPY      ー     2.00%     2.50%
    USD     2.00%      ー     3.50%
    TWD     2.00%     3.00%     3.50%
    EUR     2.50%     3.50%      ー
    KRW     2.00%     2.00%     2.50%
    PLN     6.00%     7.00%     7.50%
    AUD     3.50%     4.50%     5.00%
    NZD     3.75%     4.75%     5.25%
    SGD     2.00%     3.00%     3.50%
    HKD     4.50%     5.50%     6.00%
    GBP     3.50%     4.50%     5.00%
    MYR     4.50%     5.50%     6.00%
    IDR     4.50%     5.50%     6.00%
    THB     4.50%     5.50%     6.00%
    PHP     4.50%     5.50%     6.00%
    VND     3.00%     4.00%     4.50%
    CAD     2.50%     3.50%     4.00%
    CHF     2.50%     3.50%     4.00%
    CNY     3.00%     4.00%     4.50%
    SEK     4.50%     5.50%     6.00%
    NOK     4.50%     5.50%     6.00%
    DKK     4.50%     5.50%     6.00%
    BRL     6.00%     6.00%     6.00%
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