How can I use the new API?

On this page, we will guide you how to switch from Old API to New API.

* If you download the app directly from the "Shopify app store", it may not be linked to your KOMOJU account. If you have multiple accounts, please be sure to follow the steps below for each account.

How to change the Konbini payment deadline

If you have any difficulties for setting, please feel free to contact us from here.

How to set the New API

If you are already connected with the new API, you do not need to do this. (You will still be able to use it after the end of July)

Please refer to this page and disable the old API connection if it has been set up before proceeding to the next step.

Please feel free to contact ‘’ if you have any difficulties for the setting.

【1】 Choose “Shopify Settings” from the Merchant Setting page.

*Please make sure that your KOMOJU setting is Live mode.

【2】  Press “CONNECT” button ⇒ You will be redirected to Shopify app store

Note: When the button says “APPLY”, the review is not completed for the related payment methods.

Please complete the application. Once the review is completed, you will be able to use. The status will be changed to "CONNECT" once the review completes.

【3】 Click "Add app"

【4】 Please log in to Shopify and select the Shopify Store to link.

【5】 Click 'Connect'

【6】 Choose "Install app"

【7】 Select KOMOJU account to link

(This page will be skipped if you only have one KOMOJU account.)

【8】 Click 'Activate KOMOJU' and the settings completes

*Please set up each payment methods with the above steps.

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