Can I change the payment expiry date for Bank transfer?
The payment deadline for bank transfer can be changed by the merchant.
The default setting is "14 days". It can be changed between "14-59 days".
*The change will only apply to the new order created after the change. For order created before the change, the expiry date will remain the same.
【How to change】
1. Log in to KOMOJU and select 'Merchant Settings' ⇒ Click 'Edit' on the top left
2. Change the expiry date and click 'Update Merchant' (The default is 14 days)
*The change will only apply to the new order created after the change. For order created before the change, the expiry date will remain the same.
【Send a reminder email before the expiry date】
By enabling the email notification, KOMOJU can send a payment reminder email one day before the expiry date to the customer.
To enable this setting, please check this page for more details.